En México el derecho a la vida está gravemente amenazado: Christof Heyns

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Christof Heyns

Christof Heyns, relator especial de Naciones Unidas sobre Ejecuciones Extrajudiciales, realiza un reporte sobre su visita a México en el panorama de violencia actual.

Ginebra, Suiza.- El Relator especial de Naciones Unidas sobre Ejecuciones Extrajudiciales, Christof Heyns, presentó este jueves en Ginebra, el informe sobre su visita oficial a México del 22 de abril al 2 de mayo de 2013. Al Consejo de Derechos Humanos en donde expone sus principales conclusiones y formula recomendaciones para una mejor protección del derecho a la vida en México.

El relator sudafricano señaló que la espiral de violencia y muerte en la que se encuentra inmerso el país y que dio inicio en el sexenio de Felipe Calderon (2006 – 2012) cuando comenzó la guerra contra el narcotráfico, ha dejado asesinatos, desaparecidos e impunidad; esta terrible barbarie no sólo no cesa, continúa y además advierte que crece en niveles verdaderamente preocupantes y de manera acelerada en la actual administración de Enrique Peña Nieto llegando a la escalofriante cifra de mas de 50 asesinatos al día.

Heyns advirtió que el derecho a la vida «está gravemente amenazado en México», un país que registra un nivel «altísimo» de homicidios y una impunidad «sistémica y endémica».

Los problemas de la protección del derecho a la vida en México se deben a diversos factores, entre ellos las deficiencias del sistema jurídico; el aumento de la delincuencia organizada y el narcotráfico; la falta de disposición o de capacidad de la policía y los fiscales para iniciar investigaciones, la desconfianza de la ciudadanía hacia el poder judicial y la falta de rendición de cuentas por las violaciones cometidas.

Por consiguiente, en el presente informe el Relator Especial hace particular hincapié en la necesidad de poner fin a la impunidad. «Para ello, es imperativo disminuir la participación del ejército en las actividades policiales, velar porque los militares acusados de haber cometido violaciones de los derechos humanos sean enjuiciados por tribunales civiles y no militares, además de establecer normas claras y ampliamente difundidas sobre el uso de la fuerza por los agentes de las fuerzas del orden en todos los niveles de gobierno».

El Relator Especial recuerda en el presente informe que «es importante mirar hacia adelante y evitar futuras violaciones del derecho a la vida». Ahora bien, también insiste en que «es igualmente importante exigir que se rindan cuentas por las violaciones del derecho a la vida que se hayan producido en el pasado».

Afirmó también: «Ante la gravedad de la situación actual, es imperativo actuar decididamente: el derecho a la vida está gravemente amenazado en México y este problema debería tener la máxima prioridad a nivel nacional. Una dura represión militar difícilmente mejorará la situación. En cambio, es preciso un fortalecimiento sistemático, holístico e integral del estado de derecho, uno de cuyos elementos fundamentales es la rendición de cuentas por los atropellos cometidos».

Heyns advirtió que continuará dando seguimiento a la situación mexicana, para que se logren implementar de manera eficaz sus recomendaciones.

Luis Monroy / Entre Noticias

¿Tienes alguna opinión?. Escríbela a continuación, siempre estamos atentos a tus comentarios.

Apoya al proyecto en: Banco ScotiabankCLABE: 044180256002381321Código Swift para transferencias desde el extranjero: MBCOMXMM

21 Comentarios

  1. http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/couple-claims-entire-town-turned-23574799 This is not a global problem, this against families and the illuminati targets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goaocFQE0cs&feature=youtu.be , people who are not part of the Rotchild pyramid, Please do not confuse the people. That´s why I have doubts about this website, I have been attacked by chineses, mexicans, italians, black panthers and others, even the White House, and nobody here has any experience at all even similar. They can not identify the attacker, etc. You are hidding the important situations. This is a massacre world wide. They are in airports with the tolerance of DHS. I can not believe that someone can live without doing anything by their attacks, someone is lying, and it is not me. It is not spam. Do you know who is it investiing money in IT for Target Individual? among others the mexican cartels, and It is not Target Individual the main goal of these international groups. Yes, I know it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzhq4MXKf2c, But I know also that the Bush, the CIA nazy, the mexican carterls, the china and indian mafias are the one financing, and doing the Gang Stalking, so do not come with easy solutions, because the problem is so much bigger, And if you were a TI, you will know that at this time, and do not act that you do not know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEuAD2Rsb7c

  2. Global mafias are using the technology in the wrong way apart of science http://www.jornada.unam.mx/ultimas/2014/05/11/crea-investigadora-mexicana-tecnologia-capaz-de-mover-objetos-con-el-pensamiento-3472.html Stop Human trafficking in the States, do not hire more indians http://lnkd.in/bKZxFYq This guy has a connection with the Z, the most dangerous cartel has been seen in the States, Human trafficking and CPS control all over the USA http://aristeguinoticias.com/0105/mexico/gutierrez-llegaba-y-decia-me-llevo-a-la-numero-6-rosi-orozco/ Child Human Trafficking in Mexico to USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAqCV3KvuMQ Human Trafficking starting in the politcal parties of Mexico and USA http://aristeguinoticias.com/…/gutierrez-llegaba-y…/ CPS is using these techniques to neutralize the parents, they broke the families https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nJ4eAP9KW8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgW6XS-AP2I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRYYccog9IQ Indians want to replace industrial engineering with their own IT fantasys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92Hqn_lKM34. Ergonomic studies, that it is why they want to destroy industrial engineering in the States http://lnkd.in/buiXGXX To understand Activity Based Costing, you need to have a PhD´s degree and master´s and bachelor´s dregree in industrial engineering, business and accountancy to understand how to make it applicable using SAP http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/former_nsa_cia_director_hayden_gleefully_admits_we_kill_people_20140512#. I have lot of experience in that, but it is something that nobody understand because of the low level of the SAP FICO consultants that are coming from India. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gjOPmFdiKE

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyRq4PULFXM#t=24 I think that these situation have been to me since I was studying in UPIICSA, even a militar studying there contacted me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdfvv6vIbIc As illuminaties, they were ready to take of me my industrial property development, they are using the stack stalking to kill me in this way ORACLE, SAP will continue having copyrights that they belonged to them, they are mine, I am the creator. Indians want to replace industrial engineering with their own IT fantasys. Ergonomic studies, that it is why they want to destroy industrial engineering in the States http://lnkd.in/buiXGXX To understand Activity Based Costing, you need to have a PhD´s degree and master´s and bachelor´s dregree in industrial engineering, business and accountancy to understand how to make it applicable using SAP. I have lot of experience in that, but it is something that nobody understand because of the low level of the SAP FICO consultants that are coming from India.

  4. Gracias por haberse puesto en contacto con la OMPI. Se ha recibido su consulta y le responderemos tan pronto como sea posible.

    Tema: Patentes
    Subtema: Consultas jurídicas o de carácter general referidas al Tratado de Cooperación en materia de Patentes (PCT)
    Pregunta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyRq4PULFXM#t=24 I think that these situation have been to me since I was studying in UPIICSA, even a militar studying there contacted me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdfvv6vIbIc As illuminaties, they were ready to take of me my industrial property development, they are using the stack stalking to kill me in this way ORACLE, SAP will continue having copyrights that they belonged to them, they are mine, I am the creator. Indians want to replace industrial engineering with their own IT fantasys. Ergonomic studies, that it is why they want to destroy industrial engineering in the States http://lnkd.in/buiXGXX To understand Activity Based Costing, you need to have a PhD´s degree and master´s and bachelor´s dregree in industrial engineering, business and accountancy to understand how to make it applicable using SAP. I have lot of experience in that, but it is something that nobody understand because of the low level of the SAP FICO consultants that are coming from India. I studied at UPIICSA when we have the best of best in industrial engineering and systems world wide professors. In my opinion, my thesis are the discovering and opening of industrial engineering or Operational Management as a science https://www.facebook.com/notes/adalberto-cervantes-rodriguez/how-did-oracle-steal-my-ideas/484337798305612 Why are the ERP like SAP, Oracle and others a fraud? Because there is no software capable of being used in all kind of companies, it is a fantasy, and less probable when there is no Activity Based Costing applied in all the cases. The indian fraud in ERP technology is affecting the mayor investors in the wold. Industrial Engineering or Operational Management is a science per se, and it can not be eliminates because of the indian nightmares http://www.proceso.com.mx/?p=351991 . Para mi entender, quien maneja el mundo son los Corporativos, y las familias como los Rothschild, si bien han ganado mucho con ésto, también han sido defraudados con los ahora CIA millonarios. dejando los Corporativos como mafias mundiales, es éste momento los grandes capitales desearán acabar con todo ésto, dado que la caja negra del IT de la India, no puede esconder más estos fraudes. ¿Dondé truena la tecnología ERP india? la practican sin seguir cambios legales, fiscales que deben de seguir las empresas en los diversos países, no aplican la técnica ABC porque la desconocen totalmente, consultores de muy bajo nivel con memoria fotográfica , entre otros. It is time that IT ended the hippy era in software and hardware, people from India, photographic memory among others, and analyzed and done more with science to much mistakes in some years almost destroying humanity in all senses. It seems more dangerous than an atomic bomb. Creo que los verdaderos científicos no son controlados por Corporativos, se están llendo de EU por el obscurantismo que traen por ejemplo la gente de la india en IT, o la matanza de Bill Gates con sus vacunas. Es un ciclo, vivimos como en la época de Galileo, hasta que la ciencia de nueva cuenta florezca. No tienen ni idea, están perdidos, yo soy mas real. Estamos como con Galileo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM#t=21. Indians developed my ideas stolen in PEMEX-ORACLE contract but they did not do it right http://www.mysteryplanet.com.ar/site/?p=8082&cpage=1#comment-8307 Be water my friend http://lnkd.in/bMshBDg

    Nombre: Adalberto
    Apellido: Cervantes Rodriguez
    Sociedad/Organización: NA
    Número de teléfono: 12108073316
    Dirección de correo-e: adalberto_cervantes@hotmail.com

    Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual

  5. Indians are getting also in this market, there is no science http://lnkd.in/bJPK5Br Agreement between PEMEX-ORACLE mentioned that business data base and ERP can not be used to other company, belongs to PEMEX but I did not allow to use my industrial property. El contrato PEMEX-ORACLE era concluyente que no se ocuparía el desarrollo de PEMEX, base de datos de negocio y ERP para otra empresa, le pertenecía a PEMEX solamente, pero a mi nunca me contacto ni el IMP ni PEMEX Indians are doing frauds and frauds while DHS and Department of Labor are not doing anything about it http://lnkd.in/byKx47T This guy attacked me using Google-Androit-Sparrow Hospital, he is a killer with IT technology http://lnkd.in/bAVFhwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_EKWPq7E3s&sns=fb El Presidente de Mexico y de EU tienen implantados dispositivos de "Mental Control" es un hecho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4yBNxRvx0M#t=24 The president of Mexico and USA were implanted with mental control devices is a fact http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/24/trans-pacific-partnership-companies-tpp_n_5202060.html . I can identify the bad guys in a SAP project easily. I do not know if it the case of someone else, but all the cartel members are detecting me when I am near them http://mind-computer.com/2014/04/06/703/#comment-3833. If the mexican and US government really want to catch them, NSA and CIA will have all the information about them already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6MyB74VoQ4 Adalberto, your are correct they are no gov they are criminal cartels.. from logical reasoning the only way to profit is through life insurance All gangstalking vehicles are suspicious This guys are making a lot of money for killing us. Also most of them are cartel members https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=915180621840817&set=gm.771308649570696&type=1&theater

  6. Non science, nazy, foreign are governing USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-V1CiuGMJo Ya estoy en eso, recuerda que la patente inicial la tiene ORACLE, SAP y otros, pienso quitarcelas dado en Contrato PEMEX- ORACLE http://bit.ly/IMPImx http://bit.ly/IMPImx http://childabuserecovery.com/global-elite-satanic-cult-said-to-schedule-child-sacrifice-judges-issue-arrest-warrants/#comment-1323 Money and Control main objective of Global Mafias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX4is-1e2KI&feature=youtu.be Same that many indians in USA, the problem is that they are working in 500 Fortune Companies specially banks and critical businesses http://lnkd.in/b7Njvgy CPS San Antonio is part of the individual targeting part of the NSA-CIA Nazi fake systems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7JBBoNqoWo&feature=youtu.be http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/06/13/time-for-u-s-population-to-check-in-at-crazy-hospital/ Por ser un caso internacional México tiene más vialidad que EU. Dado que en EU estan protegidos, en México son solo los medios, lo políticos de bajo nivel que tenemos y los illuminati que son realmente familias bien conocidas si, intento hacer una demanda en grupo en el DF You can travel to Mexico and sue there, NSA and global mafias are working there, contact me to give you the telephone number of my lawyer San Antonio, TX is the main house of Gang Stalking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piHm1ogAEE8… The electromagnetic killing of Governments and Corporates is a fact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtfpqVxmzU

  7. The CIA-NSA are preparing Presidents for long time to several countries like Mexico and USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-HqHSkYG-Y si claro, lo que pasan es que las matemáticas no fallan, ya saben quien va a ganar, pero…si quieren que pierda tienen que hacer fraudes donde saben exactamente que perderá, es bien sencillo, nada difícil de hacer si se tiene dinero y poder, y son respaldados por los Rotchild. Many IT companies have been making frauds to all the mexican and LATAM countries http://lnkd.in/dXDaiht http://www.sinembargo.mx/10-04-2014/958740 Indians are helping carteles and Corporates http://lnkd.in/drwCrRC Indias are closing projects telling the clients for not paying taxes to Governments. Shilpa Jadcherla (VP, SAP FICO Lead @ JPMC) , she works for JPMC, she is a Gang Stalker, violating all the tax laws in LATAM Justice has to be same to anyone http://lnkd.in/bdVkaQi He is an illuminati baster. The true is that nobody pays taxes in Mexico, Corporates are not paying the right taxes for import and export, the ERP are not prepared to handled mexican and US taxes in the border for import and export. Most of the customation of ERP for Coporates are done by foreigners without knowlege of taxes in Mexico and US-mexican GAAP Se equivocó México con reforma fiscal: Forbes, http://lnkd.in/bv9T3Yt

  8. Take this righ away http://drsircus.com/medicine/sodium-bicarbonate-baking-soda/cancer-studies-ph-medicine If you have a google account (gmail), disactivate it, may be it is connected with your TI device. My daughter is attacked with electromagnetic pre-programed acupucture devices made in China and used by the Nazi indian NSA-CIA starting in a foster house in San Antonio, Texas Texas Gang Stalker style
    It takes time but I have it.
    I have this stuff in my body
    How to protect yourself against implanted devices for IT connectivity? You have to know like other chip or electronic device, they are not working properly if you use magnetism, water or other solutions like cream, or electricity, this external factor among others the materials use to have like cold, hot, so weather conditions like atmospheric pression , definitely will impact the well function of the devices implanted in a body.
    Buy massage electronic devices, magnetos, use the power connector of the computer, mobile phone with water, they will work among others. Certain part of your body will be hot because of the attack, use the magnetos, they will be warm also. Use a hat with magnetic structure; they use the magnetic material where they are selling material
    Body knows that you have something that it is not part of your body, you will feel like an insect bite without a trace, but suddenly the touch of your hand and a pump will find something, here they are, use a needled disinfected try to extract them. You have to do it because in spite it can protect someone also it can produce sicknesses, heart attacks, trucks, a lot of pain, swelling of the legs , headaches, difficulty to pup, among others.
    You have to do it yourself, because if someone attacks, they have the mechanism even to get in the hospital you are, to have you harmed, so do not do anything risky, especially if you alone, ask someone be with you all the time, do not ask for ambulance, go you self to the ER. In the first place, you were sedated, and a Chinese inserted the methodic device like acupuncture technique, of course there is another way to send you to a mental hospital, thinking that nobody believes you. Do not be panic, if you know to drive, have money, and start traveling long distances.
    They need at least two days to make it work the implanted devices in your body, the first one is to implant them in your body, the second one is calibrate the devices in your body, it can identify your sicknesses in all over your body, everything.
    Be out of the spectrum of the internet signals, they are using against you, identify if only they are using blackberries, mobile phones, personal computers near your job, or everywhere you go, including your house. It is that the case, it is good because it means that first they have to find you, it is easy for them because you might have chips in both ear, do not be panic. The harmful way of attacking you, it is using a satellite, they have a lot of power and connectivity everywhere, they can see you in third dimension like to have a doctor near you but it is really a butcher.
    Try to find more about the devices and how to destroy them, they are like nails, it seems they can see through your body in detail, they are like little transparent plastic material, and they are others like a hair, but they can be burn, do it.
    Do not allow surgeries over you in Sparrow Hospital using Androit and Google technology, they will know where are you all the time, and they will attack your central system with a complex microsurgery, starting in your ear to your brain. The implanted devices might have connectivity even with sophisticated equipment use at the Hospital.
    The heart is the most critical one, small amount of electricity can kill you, Cable is needed around the neck, to the shoulder, left hand, level of the heart, water will be help to reduce more intensity. It seems that a device with own energy is in the back near the neck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T- I do not think it is good advice to try to extract a RFID device. It is smaller than a grain of rice. I did take a syringe and some hydrogen peroxide, to one area. This was not successful. You would need a scalpel, and some suture material. There is always the possibility of infection. The easiest ones to remove are in teeth, that can be extracted by a dentist, and taken to a lab. The corresponding number or ID on the device, will tell you the agency, responsible for the targeting. There is quite a bit of expense for this and the implant to replace the missing tooth.

  9. Google, Androit and others are the main one who control who is a TI or not. NSA-CIA use centers offshore and outsourcing as well directed by mafias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcQseZKA5QA . The Rotchild economists are wrong http://actualidad.rt.com/…/129021-sueno-eeuu… Rotchild is controlling the economy at the level of individual and hidding all the frauds of the secret societies, economy is fake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyMSvQqeWOo&hd=1 Children’s welfare is being used to support the banksters foreign policy http://www.dcclothesline.com/…/ambassador-stevens…/ My system is designed for very corrupted countries or Corporates https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWoJO83ZIII#t=138 , there is no way that they can scape from Justice. Corporates and Government are desperated because my technology is working in fact https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZa_dCjR3aE&feature=youtu.be Sue the criminals https://www.facebook.com/CIDH.OEA There is a connection between Clintons, indian companies, NSA among others http://lnkd.in/b_SW-FM http://thecommonsenseshow.com/…/prince-charles-queen…/ The bigger crimes in humanity are done by the ones should protect us https://www.facebook.com/Nobelprize.org?fref=nf Ingeniería industrial como ciencia, nunca se había desenmascarado las Sociedades Secretas siempre imperante en el conocimiento económico manipulado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPNPetniu1w…. Mis tesis marcan el futuro más allá de éstas Sociedades Secretas, alcanzando el nivel de conocimiento científico en las ciencias interdisciplinarias de los negocios https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCX_oujvuMg&feature=youtu.be

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCX_oujvuMg&feature=youtu.be CPS in USA and DIF in Mexico are working for the Global mafias http://aristeguinoticias.com/…/video-con-la-aparicion…/
    http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/…/detienen-a-pedofilo… Revisar esta situación entre México, EU, China y la India https://www.facebook.com/groups/tx.dfps.cps.reform/
    http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news%2Flocal… Andrew Pease and CPS San Antonio are criminals. http://www.c-spanvideo.org/clip/4470083 Obama is using CPS against iT consultants and finance top managers . http://lnkd.in/bEeAMkH Possible human traffic activities between DIF Mexico and CPS San Antonio, and relation with the catholic Pope.
    The pope start visiting and made business with them, The catholic church has to recuperate the money of the sues against them in …USA. He knew about the killing of millions of Chineses of a religious group, Chineses offered him the life of the Chinese children of this religious group (Genocide massacre in China). Good opportunity, he contacted Hillary Clinton, and Calderon, opus dei members, business done in high level. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=597179103688604&set=gm.1395847987322366&type=1&theater
    It seems that Joaquin Castro works for the China Imperium including India and their satellites countries like Mexico. Human Traffic between DIF Mexico to CPS San Antonio http://www.kens5.com/…/Woman-accused-of-Munchausen…, children from LATAM, India and Chinese children https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=778209322197804&set=gm.746144345408750&type=1&theater . Allowing investment of American and Mexican mafias in San Antonio. Shame on Joaquin Castro http://lnkd.in/bJN_9ym. The true will come soon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SATl9u4kJe4
    Calderon and his wife controlled DIF Mexico, the only entity similar to Child Protective Services in USA and with legal authority to USCIS (Immigration), Calderon and his wife were the only taking decision of adoption in Mexico through the States, instead of help many children to legalize their situation in the States, they used them as a personal business, each child more than 15,000.00 USD, they were coming from China, India and also Mexican children to be given in adoption in the States, no body (Mexican, Mexican American families), even the personnel in DIF Mexico knows that DIF is the only legal entity recognized by USCIS to do that. Only my estimates annually with Chinese children are more 200 million dollars http://firstlightforum.wordpress.com/…/why-the-jews…/ , but it was only a personal business of Calderon and Fox that no Mexican or Mexican American was beneficiated. Kidnnaping of my daughter in San Antonio, TX some year ago violating Haya Convention because of her dual citizenship, using NSA system, indian and mexican killers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbMmWryH0vE

    High Hierarcky of the Mexican Catholic Church involved in the pedestrian business Manipulación religiosa y de políticos, realmente una minoría en México https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGd9fk_lq9Y#t=207 No es cierto fue el NSA, para que no se hicieran más comentarios http://actualidad.rt.com/…/113946-anonymous-camara… Indians should know the fees that they migh pay if they are cathed doing frauds. http://lnkd.in/b4VkB3S Ya no seas agachón http://lnkd.in/brjTd_Z Indian CRM helping them to make fraud in the elections. Other indian fraud http://lnkd.in/bxFRP2B The beast is against God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKHHua1BwV0 Illegal Alien Using Fake Social Security Number Sues Over Job Rejections. Sue indians for getting american jobs illegaly, all their documents are fake. http://lnkd.in/bEk6Zxt All the indians are in the NSA get rid of them http://lnkd.in/bBh9y6R The solution is to sue Obama for breaking the Constitution http://www.motherjones.com/…/trend-franks-gop-obama… It is impossible everybody obeys the evil rules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j6ZBKbWXOU The illuminati religion in the wrong Corporate ideas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0F7-x7KrMM Government inspiring to rape and kill children http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded

  11. http://www.westernjournalism.com/i-told-you-this-insidious-attack-on-our-freedoms-was-coming-did-you-listen-america/ I never worked at SASH, but I can say in the 25 years I worked, I never saw targeting done. There has been a tremendous change, in the type of people who became nurses. As a patient, I was gangstalked, by nursing staff, and one doctor. I suggest that anyone who is hospitalized, have a friend or relative, stay in the room, and keep a record of the names of staff, what treatments, medication, doses and frequency given, as well as x-rays and results. This will help some what. Get a copy of hospital records on dismissal. Staying out of these places, should be the first objective. This can not be done in a state mental hospital, which historically has been known for abuse. It seems that it is not only a mental hospital, it is one of the biggest one in the Country but also a place to train agents working in Gang Stalking. I was a witness of a rape against a retarded old white woman, they did not do anything at all, after being attack by the CIA-nazy indian NSA and San Antonio Police in a Gang Stalking style . I have been reported that to Mexico and USA, and they are not doing anything, because they are part of that. Get rid the top positions of these global mafias, 90% secure will end this criminal acts. They are recording illegally calls inside, psychiatrics are pressure by agents to target individuals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsqDyEMkLpQ . I reported a rapped in SASH. There are a lot of agents inside mental hospitals,. They can make the implants inside with the help of the police. The mental hospitals in USA are trainning Gang Stalking members, regularly they are changing hospitals over USA and are paid with our taxes, while in Mexico, Governación is paying members of the Gang Stalking in certain civil police that it is full of cartel members. Gang Stalkings are using mental hospitals like SASH to prepare their team https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=758937314125895&set=p.758937314125895&type=1&theater The techniques to have the team are really simple, they are using lawyers, psychiatrics expertices in their team to engage other members. Some of them, they are already Indian origin without credentials or with fake credentials. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5Yb3qat0Y4

  12. Please only learn industrial engineering. And you will know why you are doing frauds all over the world, it does not help the support of the Rotchild family. India has more links with China than with USA. USA has more links with Mexico. Mexico has more engineers than Germany. Mexico has more top well classified Universities than India. IPN; UNAM or UAM, Indians are technitians, in Mexico called it "CONALEP". They do not speak spanish, USA will speak Spanish almost all the Americas do it. Photografic memory does not work for higher education and knowing english does not mean that you know ERP technology and business data base. India does not have any studies in industrial engineering. Most of the mexican education is based on American education of the best univesities in USA. http://lnkd.in/bXhVWut I might be millioner if I win the patents of ORACLE and SAP Podria ser millonario si gano la patente de Oracle y SAP. http://lnkd.in/bbYG4QS Do not allow to have interviews with seudo indian consultants, they are recording you and have your personal data. American accounting has higher standards world wide than IFRS, IAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZcA363eVFM He is the top master of the Gang Stalkers in Mexico . This mexican criminal is protected by the NSA.CIA http://www.pan.senado.gob.mx/senadores/integrantes/javierlozanoalarcon/ Fighting for our bill of rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNWvm-d2glw&feature=youtu.be Illuminaties are atacking us for Intelectual properties and personal properties, children and others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xlkLsvzimI#t=41 Expecting parnerships with real benefits to mexican americans and not to illuminaties http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/live-video-feed Crimes of the CIA working for the Illuminaties and not USA http://lnkd.in/bisFSuJ Los Rotchild han hecho de la macroeconomía y microeconomía una total fantasía, los premios nobel en dicha rama son los que cuentan sus hazañas sin mencionarlo. Sin duda alguna la Ingeniería Industrial es una ciencia soportada con mis tesis. Rompe totalmente con la fantasía para poder las cosas en negro, no tonos de gris. Su desarrollo se extenderá seguramente en la eternidad del conocimiento científico. No es posible que nos sigan dando cosas de segunda mano y procesadas como de primera si son de tercera o cuarta. He tratado de explicar la situación actual en que vivimos a la gente normal, que si bien no entenderán por completo, es más que lo que proporcionan los Nobel Illuminaties.

  13. The torture destroying our freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9bd-B2dqCM It seems that this guy is a terrorist https://www.facebook.com/saibaba.mohit?fref=ufi ORACLE and SAP are part of the NSA diabolic system http://lnkd.in/bFdRydh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdMbmdFOvTs They are playing technology without science knowledge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EG_fENEkIM CIA is not USA, it is Rotchild, iiluminaties This guy needs help right away. Any idea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyRq4PULFXM To hide their mistakes and nightmares , Indians are using the Gang Stalking to people who are digging deeply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70dxQTW46f4. Indians are killing thousands of americans using IT technology protected by the NSA Les recomiendo este sitio para entender como la gente esta siendo perseguida utilizando electromagnetismos y tecnología de punta principalmente de IT: buscar en face como: Targeted Individual -Evidence Collection (in FB see Targeted Individual -Evidence Collection group) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TP-jc8zOnY0&feature=share

  14. The NSA can locate the Gang Stalker easily if they want to keep the airport free of terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jstaBeXgAs&feature=youtu.be. For TI, contact your NSA and play with higher technology, we are ready to go against Gang Stalkers. I feel the same asking my daughter second citizenship with the Mexican Consulate at San Antonio, TX while there is an extreme Human Traficking. These Nazis do not learn. http://lnkd.in/bgvEEz6 Gate change – UA1579 departing SAT Nazis controlando aeropuertos internacionales, uno de ellos Francisco Frías Quesado, trabajando para Inmigración en la Ciudad de México.Un nazi de inmigración me ataco diciendo varias veces que no era mexicano, creo que no hay necesidad de oír incoherencias, la situación real en mi caso es que tengo doble ciudadanía, tengo que seguir las leyes americanas cuando se viaja a otros países, pero no quita el hecho que por ley, soy americano. Se espera que en futuro Canadá, EU y México sean solo un país o una región. Pero estos nazis realmente están en todos los lados, nunca me había pasado nada al respecto, pero esto es ridículo, al parecer hay cámaras en el aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México en la entrada por inmigración

  15. The San Antonio Police is still attacking my family in USA. The use of ERP and business data base can surpass the level of education around the world using the modules https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPsrAFh0bYE&list=UUr_RmpEy7KbN-A2fFX6U_qQ Francisco Gil Diaz related with the fraud ORACLE-PEMEX. The MRI can burn the electromagnetic devices implanted by the Global mafias. Mafias can buy high tech here http://www.lonestarconsultinginc.com/ His name is Larry Ellison. You mentioned the Rothschild family. They are Jews http://noticias.univision.com/article/1963142/2014-05-23/mundo/noticias/dictan-pena-de-muerte-a-chino-que-figuro-entre-los-mas-ricos-de-forbes . They are attempting to take over the world markets including Islamic financing. They are behind everything. Oracle CEO is Jewish. Wall Mart is Jewish. Take a look at the Wall Mart sign. Its called a sunburst but it is a six sided star that represents the star of David. The Jewish star of Israel. They are taking everything from us. PEMEX-ORACLE agreements are not found but we know the names of the criminals http://www.proceso.com.mx/?p=372727 It is starting the investigation to one of the main political parties PRI, they are trying to stop the investigation, but according of all the documents and investigations of Human Trafficking between Mexico and USA, it will be match that the political parties of both countries are involved in human trafficking, so high politicians of both countries killing while sataning rituals, raping children, selling organs and others. There are a lot whisklerbower taking about that. High mexican and american politicians related to Human Trafficking http://noticiasmvs.com/#!/emisiones/primera-emision-con-carmen-aristegui/mesa-de-analisis-victimas-del-caso-cuauhtemoc-gutierrez-y-la-victoria-de-gustavo-madero-821.html

  16. El remedio de tanto masacre y asecinato en Mexico esta muy CLARO!… y a sido probado como muy efectivo en Canada y EE.UU. quiten de las manos a los narcos el arma mas ponderosa que tienen. Legalisen la mariguana. ya legalisada se regula y se mantiene en control, Uruguay es un gran exemplo de esto se legaliso la mariguana antes que tomaran poder los narcos y es un pais muy tranquilo con muy Baja violencia y los adictos son los mismos de siempre ni aumento ni bajo es cuestion de desicion de la gente. ya legalisada dejas a los narcos con muy poco product asta la banca rota y no les queda mas remedio q buscar otra cosa que hacer. Si es sierto que ahy otras drogas como la coca y la heroina, pero el 90 porciento de la fuerza del narco es la mariguana, es el fuerte y esto los tumbara del negocio que provoca tanta sangre derramada.

  17. De aquellos capos y criminales relacionados con el tráfico de alcohol en los años 20's, se acabaron todos al tronar de los dedos cuando porfin legalizaron el Alcohol en 1933. Se acabó el crimen relacionado al Alcohol.

  18. Sabes que? Tenemos el ejemplo muy claro ahi; sin embargo, hay mucha gente inclusive en los gobiernos tanto de EU como de México que se benefician enormemente con esta "guerra contra las drogas". No van a dejar ir ese poder tan fácil!

  19. Es vdd, pero ahora resulta que el gobierno se beneficia de los impuestos que cobran por regularla y la gente se beneficia de la cantidad de remedies medicinales q sale de esta planta sin efectos secundarios. como el cancer, diabetes y muchas enfermedades de la que esta planta result cura. no solo remedio pero cura para muchas enfermedades.

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